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The Birthday Party

"The Birthday Party" was first produced at the Arts Theatre, Cambridge, in 1958. When it subsequently came on at the Lyric Opera House, Hammersmith, it's originality of theme and dialogue were too much for the majority of the critics, who panned it. An exception was Harold Hobson of the Sunday Times, who said, "Mr. Pinter, on the evidence of this work, possesses the most original, disturbing and arresting talent in theatrical London".

Andre bøker på emnet engelsk (273)

  1. The Dream Factory
  2. Teaching English through newspapers
  3. Jaws
  4. The Return of Sherlock Holmes
  5. Mud city
  6. Full speed ahead New People, New Places 3
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Andre bøker på emnet play (3)

  1. Sweet Bird of Youth, A Streetcar Named Desire, The Glass Menagerie
  2. Macbeth
  3. Saint Joan

Andre bøker på emnet theatre (2)

  1. Saint Joan
  2. Sweet Bird of Youth, A Streetcar Named Desire, The Glass Menagerie

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